A Light In The Dark!
A Light In The Dark!
Chazak Care warriors fight every day for their lives.
Battling mental illnesses single handedly is not something anyone should ever have to do.
As a volunteer run organization, we at Chazak Care insure that no warrior's cry goes unheard!
However it takes a lot to fund a much needed cause and that's where we need your help to fill up our donation fund penny by penny....dollar by dollar....cuz' it all adds up!
Fill out the form to receive your Pushkah.(Lakewood area only- at this time.)
Step 2:
Receive your Pushkah within 1 week and start collecting till the Pushkah is full till the top!
Step 3:
Contact Chazak Care at (732) 664-0418 for a volunteer to come to your home to empty your Pushkah which will go into our donation fund account to assist our warriors through our various projects and programs!
Step 4:
Keep repeating steps 1-3 because Tzedakah is a Mitzvah that keeps giving!
Chazak Care retores hope admist the darkest of times!
The stigma of mental illness won't stop us from advocating and caring for each warrior and their family.
to help us continue making alone into NEVER ALONE!